Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Let's say you are shopping for something. Let it be a car, a used mini-van to be exact. You go from lot to lot looking for the right features, right price and most of all a deal you can afford. At one lot you find a unique find. The sale person is very passionate about the deal he is going to get you. Going over the features one thing you find out it has 8 seat instead of 7 like the rest of the vans, a real bonus. Some of the other features include that your kids can stay in the safety seats longer (nice bonus), it will lower your insurance premiums (oh yes) and it can use all the stuff you had in your old car. The price is $9,000.00, more than you want to pay, but for what it will do, you think it is ok.

The sales person brings out the contract and it is a little bigger than you expected. You tell the sales person you would like to read it and he tells you that this deal needs to be closed right away and that your can read it after you sign it and take it home. You start to feel a little pressured at this point, but it looks like a good deal. You take the deal and drive the van home.

Once home you start putting your stuff in the car, programming your radio stations in all the stuff you do when you buy a car. You find out that one of the seat is broken and can't be used, bummer now you only have 7 seats like the other vans. You drive that can around for a few weeks before reading the contract and find out there are all kinds of rules, man should have read it first. Then the bill come in from the finance company, this $9,000 van is going to actually cost $22,000. What the heck? Wow you should have read the fine print. You got taken.

This sounds bad doesn't it? Ever been taken by a shady sales person? We all have. New information comes out all the time about the Health Care Law (nicknamed ObamaCare). back in 2009 we were told it was going to cost $900,000,000, we find out now it will cost $2,200,000,000. that is more than doubled. we were told we could keep our current health insurance. I know that my company changed ours the very next year, it was higher priced and lowered our coverage. Lucky my doctor was a provider under the new company. The health care law will provide all Americans with health care coverage. It appears that some 4 million Americans will loose there company provided health coverage and another 2 million that were said to be covered under the health care law will not be covered (they are the non working 8th seat).

The price of the Health Care Law was thought to be lower when it was written. The idea was higher tax revenue, fines from non compliance with the law. It in general was just shady math. Some 26 Democrats in the House lost their seats in the 2010 election, the exit polls showed that this was in direct result of the passing the health care law. Why is it that the people who forced this down the American Peoples throats kept their jobs? Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid both got re-elected. President Obama is still showing that he has a fighting chance come November.

Be careful of the Shady Salesman at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

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